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Cancer New Moon, Growth, and Shadow

The Shadow, Growth, and New Moon oracle cards make an appearance for the Cancer New Moon on June 21st. Take what resonates, leave the rest.

The appearance of the Shadow and Growth oracle cards spell out the release of self-imposed limitations. Your Shadow-Self has overstayed its welcome as director of your life, and it’s time to find its replacement. The Shadow is a sneaky, elusive tyrant that counters positive experiences with negative criticism. It’s a master manipulator that encourages our anxieties to take center stage, especially at the worst possible moment. Removing the Shadow-Self from a position of power is an inside job- subduing it starts deep within the psyche. You’ll have to grab at your subconscious roots to adjust.

Shadow energy manifests in many ways and may stir up reactions we aren’t conscious of. It’s guaranteed to affect your relationships, health, and career if left untamed. The Growth card appears as an encouragement to explore how you respond to anxiety-inducing experiences. Some attempt to dominate everything and everyone so that they feel in control, others feel totally powerless and give up hope altogether. Learn your triggers to understand your emotional responses, and you’ll be less likely to fall victim to the control of Shadow energy. 

The Shadow card’s energy is being phased out, allowing us to reimagine our plans for the future without shrinking. The Growth card’s appearance assures us that we’re ready to live beyond the perimeters set up by fear. We are prepared to take up s p a c e. Moments of worry and anxiety will occasionally pop up as we progress, but we can’t let it take control. We owe it to ourselves to become our own cheerleader and transmute nervous energy into the fuel we can use for the greater good. 

The New Moon card is reassurance that our efforts are divinely supported. It also asks us to give ourselves extra compassion and empathy as we engage in shadow work. Observe your thoughts and emotions during this time; good health and successful relationships and career moves depend on your ability to work through uncertainty. Self-imposed limitations must be released, we can start this process through the creation of healthy boundaries. These barriers protect us from subconscious negativity and heavy energy from our surroundings.

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