Greenhouse Book Club
Protest Mag & Friends started a book club.
We're excited to wax poetically about a book written by Adrienne Maree Brown - Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
+Adrienne's book Emergent Strategy focuses on radical help of self, society, and the planet. The AK Press says "this book teaches us to map, assess, and learn from the swirling structures around us in order to better understand and influence them as they happen."
RSVP to Greenhouse’s first Book Club Meeting
Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
RSVP to our first meetup on July 28th in New Orleans, LA. The Introduction chapter of Emergent Strategy is the focus of our first meeting. We’ll use meeting #1 to encourage members of the book club to get to know each other a little bit, too. If you don’t read the Introduction of Emergent Strategy before our meeting, it's OKAY. The reading isn't mandatory, there will be plenty of chances for you to jump into conversation regardless.
+Readers not in New Orleans will be able to virtually follow & add to Emergent Strategy-related conversations soon.
+Author Adrienne Maree Brown is a social justice facilitator, healer, doula, and self-affirmed pleasure activist based in Detroit. She's also the author of Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good and co-editor of Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction from Social Justice Movements