Submit to Protest Magazine

Protest Magazine was created by and for Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color. We share with the world a collection of art and literature from women like you. This is a shared anthology and portfolio for cultural reverence, retelling history and folk tales, and studying frameworks for resistance.


Protest Magazine is an energetic return to our foremothers. Protest features work that spotlights the erased histories of women of the diaspora. Ancestral memories support us in living authentically within our purpose, manifesting as personal and collective acts of protest. As part of a continuum, we use ancestral truths to shift harmful narratives through reflective storytelling, reporting, and creative works. 

We’re now accepting written work and photojournalistic pieces for our community-led blog and journal titled, demonstration. Protest Magazine encourages women of the global majority to submit nuanced culture studies and pieces that explore the depths of societal events, past and present. We welcome written work that centers community and self-actualization, personal stories of resistance, and pieces heavy with historical context.

Personal Essays │ Creative Nonfiction Articles│ Interviews & Profiles │Biographies

 Local Citizen Journalism Reporting │ Photojournalism Reporting │Art & Illustration

Email us at with questions and technical support.

  • Description text goes Introspective stories that dive into the details of girl/womanhood, personal & cultural history, and relationships,

    • Pieces celebrating women's culture preservation work, their impact on the arts, literature, society and politics,

    • Local news stories depicting women's issues and women's work within communities throughout the US,

    • Written pieces that weave in historical resonance, connect the past to the present and highlight the cyclical, nonlinear nature of time.

    • 1000 word count maximum (suggestion) 

    • Compensation is $0.10 per word

    • We prefer Google Docs or Word formats but will accept PDFs if necessary

    • Collaborative work submissions are welcome

    • Currently considering unpublished pieces only

    • Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please let us know if  your work has been selected for another publication

    • Ideas & Pitch submissions welcome