People Supporting Women
Protest Magazine will survive with the help of the readers, contributors, and friends. Protest’s goal is to create and maintain a community-sustained publication company. The formation and work presented in each issue will be the outcome of the collaborative effort between us, the organizers of the Protest, and the public, the supporters of the Protest.
Our main goal for the creation and continuance of the magazine is to fill a cultural, educational, and social need. We value having the freedom to publish whatever we feel needs to be seen and heard without the restriction of a huge corporation. It’s vital that we remain completely independent, this magazine is for us women of color who are vulnerable to silencing, we will not work with a capitalist corporation that would rather censor us.
With this in mind, most of the funding for the magazine will come from donations and sales. Right now, donations and submitted work are our main focus. We are looking for submissions from creatives from our communities and money to compensate them for their work. While we will graciously accept donated written and artistic work, we also recognize art as labor. In this capitalist world, money acts as fuel to help them along their artistic journey and aids daily survival. We welcome you to donate what you can to us through our PayPal account, button located under the demonstration header, top right.
Reach out with any ideas, pitches, and questions to find out ways you can help Protest Magazine launch and thrive.