Pink Full SuperMoon in Libra

Three of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, and the Temperance

Three of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, and the Temperance

Energy reading for April 7th’s Pink Full Moon in Libra

The Three of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, and the Temperance cards are on-brand for the Pink Full Moon in Libra. Now I know we're in the house and away from most people nowadays but Spirit is calling us to disconnect even more. This is the green light to further isolate yourself, turn down invites to FaceTime, remove yourself from social media, and get off of Netflix for just a few hours tonight.

Carve out time to do a meditative act instead. Libra loves beautiful things, so cook up a nice meal, do a beauty routine and create some art if you feel the call. Whatever you do, make sure it offers you clarity. Full Moons are pristine for expelling excess emotional and mental loads. This is baggage you can't use- it doesn't feed you, doesn't motivate you, and only leaves you feeling rundown. In the spirit of Libra, this is the time to say, 'me, first.' If you're not well within, you can't be your best with anyone else.

Libra energy works best when it's in harmony with its surroundings. Dedicate some, if not all, of your alone time to sit with past events that led you here, the most recent developments in your life, and where you'd like to take yourself next. Have you lived in alignment with the goals you have for yourself?

You know what needs you must satisfy next as the Queen and ruler of your life. If you're not exactly aware of what you need just yet, don't sweat. This knowledge will come in due time, so spend quality time with yourself whenever you can and let the revelations roll in as they may.


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