Sagittarius Full Moon: The Strawberry Moon

Many of us are experiencing brain fog and emotional fatigue these days. Not only must we be active members of the resistance, but we must also be fierce defenders of our mental and spiritual wellbeing. The U.S. social uprising and a global pandemic are happening now; habitual political and environmental unrest are their incubators. We are left to navigate it all and be active participants of our life: go to work, be a friend, be a partner, be a mother, exercise, eat well, drink water, show up. The problem is we must create harmony in a peaceless world and maintain hope even when our lowest expectations aren't satisfied. 

The Empress Rx's appearance for the Full Moon alludes you are

floating in and out of rage, despair, and optimism. These sentiments are expected and often encouraged emotional responses to the state of our society. Although part of the journey, this type of flow will lead to idle movement if left unchecked. Our emotions are most potent when employed as fuel; we must ensure they're empowering actions that make us proud and move us forward. We don't lack promise or potential, we're creative beings, and we're abundant with ideas for a better future. We must fight for visibility, equity, and access so we can see our dreams through to fruition. Don't we deserve these terms as fundamental human rights?

The Empress Reversed & Knight of Wands

Empress & Knight of Wands

Before, during, and after the fight or flight experience, there are brief periods of pause. For a split second, we assess the situation at hand and choose the appropriate action needed for survival. We are survivalists, smart, powerful, and resourceful. There are ever-developing stories of violence and oppression available to us, and we have lives to manage and relationships to maintain. None of those things are easy to handle, but it's possible to find a flow that works for us. Grounding is a great way to get through difficult times and combat anxiety. It promotes rational thinking in times of crisis and panic, a potent weapon useful in any situation.

A classic journal prompt for the anxious folk: How will I deal if the worst of my anxieties came true? Include step-by-step processes that would provide solutions regardless if your fear is likely or unlikely or on a micro or macro scale. Keep the steps factual and within the realm of your capabilities. The purpose is to create a boundary between yourself and anxiety and transmute its energy into something valuable.

Earth & Dryad Oracle Cards

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In/Direct Action

Be part of the resistance any way you can.


Cancer New Moon, Growth, and Shadow


Resistance Reading: Wealth, Power and the Breakthrough