demostration, social justice Simone Jones demostration, social justice Simone Jones

In/Direct Action

Let us fight forever for social justice and equity. Occasional bouts of fatigue and hopelessness should be expected. Still, the silver lining is that there are many ways to uphold the resistance to oppression. Just find your place and a style that works for you. Oh, and educate, don’t ever think of yourself as an expert. You are always in training.

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demostration, protest Protest Magazine demostration, protest Protest Magazine

recent demonstrations

Handmade Gifts / You can make a tax-deductible donation to Protest Mag through our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas. This is a forever thing so you can make a one-time or recurring donation whenever you'd like. The money will be put into the hands of women who contribute work to Protest.

Protests On Film / A talk with Cindy Trinh, the woman behind the images of Activist NYC.

Art Engineered / The engineer is the artist, too. Small talk with Ruchira Amare

Where Is Storm's Movie? / Writer and mentor Joanne C. Hillhouse

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